The jackhammer battle against my nemesis (and the driveway) continued today. I am happy to report that I was victorious!
Behold, my vanquished foe...........artistic shadow placement, no?
And the result? Here are the before and after pics:
Still looks a little rough, I know. But, next will be raking and leveling, landscaping paper, a layer of crushed rock (where am I going to get that, I wonder?), and finally, at least part of this area will be a narrow path bordering a little mound for one of the trees!
We'll dig up the rest of the yard and create another path through the center, using our new supply of crushed rock and maybe a few artfully jackhammered pieces of concrete. I'm envisioning this:
Okay, well not exactly that in its entirety...but see how the decomposed granite path is bordered by those rocks? Pretty nice, eh? We'll see if I can make that work in my yard!
Another use for some of the chunks of concrete will be a fire pit! Perhaps a retaining wall....maybe a yurt! I have a lot of concrete.
I jackhammered all of that out! In six hours over two days! In 100+ degree heat! What a workout!
So, if any of you has a project in mind that could use some crushed rock or big chunks of concrete, let me know! I am more than happy to provide! It'll save me some tonnage when I eventually haul this to the dump. So, please come take it off my hands if you'd like to get creative in your own yard!
And my nemesis? I will mount him as a trophy/lawn sculpture in the back yard. A reminder that nothing goes exactly as planned, there's always a snag along the way, and whatever you're going for will probably take twice as long as you expect.